


Open the table, 
All the cards tell everything. 

In which way you want to go,
Choose the doors and slide the windows.
We fluids to any elements,
Yet you always redo it all the time,
You always come back.





          You should've always remembered my eyes 
         that night,
when everything fell apart 
On your feet,
those contradictives and the truth,
when the purest turned into blood,
On your hands,
you decided to drown me mentally,
abused me with silence,
killed me by took all the sparks I had,
years of agony.
How so. 


You should've always remembered my eyes that night,
those stars you've caught were gone. 




Night is getting sleepless,
Day is getting harsh,
Breathing poison,
Skin rashes,
Bones appear from flesh,
Hands are hurts,
Legs run too much.

And I count the time everyday,
I only have 20-30 years to know you more and more,
To give you insight of light,
To hold you before and after.

By the 20-30 years ahead,
by the time you would remember me as the one you loved. 


I did too much,
Shown too much,
Shared too much.
I just pull a trigger.
A suicide mass.
That we had known become unknown,
That we had have become lost,
That we had wished,
just be careful what you wish for.
I am a whole.
I am a part.
Fluids in your veins,
embrace to your soul,
washes all  your sins by my forgiveness,
I am the deep of pureness.
The only there for you.



Phased of life is similar with the mists.
Either walk or run everything will embrace you,
through your skins,
your brain,
your nose,
your eyes,
your deepest molecule,
it absorbs without mercy.
Keep questioning,
Keep answering.



I'm in the sea of strangers,
The despair of triangle,
Brought me into one whimsical way.
Conducting me the solar line, I just need an answer.
But everybody was dancing in a fire circle,
They lost, they blind, they ignorance.
Don't they learn?
I need an answer, so that I wandered. 



Don't see what it seems,
Don't see what it appears,
It just a paradox.
Your eye lies, your mind tricks.
We aren't happy.
Happy isn't enough.
We just struggle much and be used to.
Called as the bless at the end.
We are just be blessed. 


Dua Seperempat - Enam


*Nada Dering*

[Dimas, 23:15:31]    Halo?
[Risa, 23:15:33]     Yup, udah nih.
[Dimas, 23:15:35]  Cepet-cepet sebentar lagi mulai lagi!
[Risa, 23:15:41]     Iya sebentar
[Dimas, 23:15:42]  Okey.
[Risa, 23:15:43]  Nah nih mulai abis iklan.
[Dimas, 23:15:46] Mau nonton sampai habis filmnya?
[Risa, 23:15:48] Kalo gak ketiduran yah, soalnya jarang-jarang ada di TV filmnya.
[Dimas, 23:15:53] Udah di kasur?
[Risa, 23:15:54]  Udah.
[Dimas, 23: 15: 56]  So this is the all-time female must watch?
[Risa, 23:15:57]  Iya lah! Lo liat baju Audrey Hepburn-nya kan, Effortless!
[Dimas, 23:16:01]  Bahahaha dasar cewek, konsumtif. 
[Risa, 23:16:09]  Walaupun gitu kan cowok juga yang nikmatin, kalian juga yang seneng.
[Dimas, 23:16:12]  Not me.
[Risa, 23:16:15]  Tetep aja kan, lo liat seberapa jauh Holly pergi,
 karena dia elegan jadi banyak ngejar kan.
[Dimas, 23:16:21] Jadi, cewek begitu karena pengen jadi center of attention, princess?
[Risa, 23:16:27] Not me.
[Dimas, 23:16:29] Bahahahaha sial di balikin gue...
[Risa, 23:16:34] Udah diam ah. lagi sedih nih adegannya.
[Dimas, 23:16:37] Gue geregetan sama cowonya.
[Risa, 23:16:42]  Yang mana?
[Dimas, 23:16:43]  Yang ngetik mulu ini.
[Risa, 23:16:47]  Oh Paul.
[Dimas, 23:16:52] Iya, tolol nih cowok.
[Risa, 23:16:56]  Kenapa?
[Dimas, 23:16:59] Ngapain ngejar si Holly nya? orang jelas dia gak suka.
[Risa, 23:17:06] Karena yakin?
[Dimas, 23:17:08] Yah yakin tapi kalo Holly nya gak mau? tuh ujung-ujungnya jadi temen doang
[Risa, 23:17:16] Hahaha this is just a movie, Dim
[Dimas, 23:17:22] And this is not a good movie to watch, especially for girl.
[Risa, 23:17:27] Why?
[Dimas, 23:17:29]  Ya diajarin jadi matre gini. Material and Fabulous!  
[Risa, 23:17:32]  Hahaha lihat dari sisi romantisnya dong Dim 
[Dimas, 23:17:37] And this is not romantic at all! Masa cowoknya suka tapi ceweknya enggak.
[Risa, 23:17:47]  Bukannya gak suka, tapi belum suka...
[Dimas, 23:17:52]  Jangan spoiler!
[Risa, 23:17:58]  Hahaha tapi beneranlah, It's not easy to get the chemistry.
[Dimas, 23:18:01] Tapi menurut gue bukan soal chemistry.
[Risa, 23:18:06]  Apa dong?
[Dimas, 23:18:08] Faith.
[Risa, 23:18:11]  Hmm
[Dimas, 23:18:14]  Apa tuh hmm
[Risa, 23:18:17]  Tanpa chemistry, ya perasaan gak akan numbuh kan
[Dimas, 23:18:25]  Chemistry tuh apa sih? macam perasaan yang di rasa-rasain kan?
[Risa, 23:18:30]  Tau ah...
[Dimas, 23:18:32]  Yee serius. Cuma "pemanis" dari suatu kondisi kan? 
[Risa, 23:18:38]  Gue tanya balik, lo bisa tahu itu faith dari mana?
[Dimas, 23:18:45] Hair, boobs, ass.
[Risa, 23:18:48] Okey, jerk boy, bye
[Dimas, 23:18:52] Bahahaha enggaa sini sini 
[Risa, 23:18:59]……… Lagian...
[Dimas, 23:19:05]  Engga.. Eyes and...heart.
[Risa, 23:19:12]  Nah, sebelum faith muncul, yang lo rasain itu namanya chemistry, emosional yang kompleks.kayak adegan Holly ngajakin Paul ke apartmentnya untuk pesta, dan akhirnya Paul jadi penasaran lebih jauh.
[Dimas, 23:19:26]  Itu dari sisi perempuan kan, kalo gue sebagai laki yah dari keyakinan aja.
Malah menurut gue, Paul udah yakin dari dia awal film.
[Risa, 23:19:34]  Tapi kan....
[Dimas, 23:19:36]  MOREOVER, it's just a movie.
[Risa, 23:19:38]  Can be related to real life, I guess.
[Dimas, 23:19:44] Tidak ada sejarahnya laki sama perempuan bisa hanya sebatas temenan.
[Risa, 23:19:49]  Bisa.
[Dimas, 23:19:52] Kasih gue contoh riilnya.
[Risa, 23:19:56]  Hmm, Gue sama Awan dari smp cuma temenan.
[Dimas, 23:19:58] Awan ada rasa sama lo. Friend with benefit.
[Risa, 23:20:02] Najong. Mana benefit nya?
[Dimas, 23:20:08] Masa lo gak sadar setiap dia minta tolong lo akuntansi tuh orang mesem-mesem?
[Risa, 23:20:11]  Kok gue gak tau? lagian udah punya pacar juga dia.
[Dimas, 23:20:16]  Kenapa lo harus tahu? mungkin hanya sebatas adore,
                            nah kalo lo kasih effort saat itu,mungkin status sukanya meningkat.
[Risa, 23:20:27]  Gue sama Awan gak punya chemistry, jadi gak bisa.
[Dimas, 23:20:32] Intinya sama kan, Girls can't be friend with Boys.
                           pasti selalu ada maunya, entah they wanted sex, relationship...
[Risa, 23:20:37]  Gue sama lo?
[Dimas, 23:20:38]  Kenapa?
[Risa, 23:20:41] Apa kabar kita? Kalo menurut g......


sial sial siallll
aku mengutuk dalam hati.
Jangan sampai dia ketiduran dulu.
sesungguhnya aku tidak mau berargumen dengannya,
tapi entah selalu yang keluar dari mulutku adalah bantahan dari pernyataannya.
Dan walau lagi-lagi aku yang mengalah dan minta maaf sehabis dia kesal.
Perasaan aneh selalu datang sehabis itu. Sepert perasaan….. sayang?

[Dimas, 23:23:17]  Halo?
[Risa, 23:23:19]  Kok mati?
[Dimas, 23:23:20] Kepencet, sampai mana tadi?
[Risa, 23:23:22]  Kita. 
[Dimas, 23:23:24]  Kenapa?
[Risa, 23:23:25]   Kalo gue dan Awan gak bisa ke arah sana karena gak ada chemistry,
   kita bagaimana?

[Dimas, 23:23:32] Nyaman. Lo nyaman, kan?
[Risa, 23:23:34]  Nah, bisa kan?
[Dimas, 23:23:36]  Hmm
[Risa, 23:23:37]  So? It's chemistry that build faith.
[Dimas, 23:23:39]  Okey, Ms. Stephen Hawking
[Risa, 23:23:42]  Filmnya udah mau selesaaai
[Dimas, 23:23:44] Iya
[Risa, 23:23:45]  And this is romantic scene ever,pas Paul menyatakan cinta ke Holly di bawah hujan.
[Dimas, 23:23:48]  Abis ini nyanyi yah mereka? Kuch-kuch hota hai?
[Risa, 23:23:50]  Jangan hancurin mood orang deeeh!
[Dimas, 23:23:53]  Bahahaha... come on off to bed.
[Risa, 23:23:55]  Okey
[Dimas, 23:23:57]  Gue jemput besok.
[Risa, 23:24:00]  Allright. don't you sleep?
[Dimas, 23:24:05]  Sebentar lagi.
[Risa, 23:24:08]  Okey, jangan kemalaman.
[Dimas, 23:24:10]  Sleep tight, mate.
[Risa, 23:24:13]   Goodnight, mate.




Never mind to be unseen,
I only seek for the unintended one.
Like, I secretly observes you.
secretly feels warm after your laugh.
secretly smiles to your wrinkles on your forehead.
secretly counts your lice nails when you typed.
secretly gazed to your eyes for more than 5 seconds.
secretly peeks you when we kissed, just in case you didn't close your eyes.
secretly learning your face when you asleep, how bliss.
secretly murmured "I love you" every time I walked behind you.
and this admiring session. it won't stop. it will grow.



Every story started up with "for the first time".
So, for the first time I met him I was wrecking thing,
I treasured my own shame and full of curiosity.
Innocence adolescent.
And he was a lonely moon child, 
individualist that living on his world,
his world that was crushed.
Time is a crucial mystery element in my life,
I never predict to be loved,
even I never thought about it.
We met the separator called time.
and time runs as it goes.

Time pull back everything we had.
and for my "for the first time" were
when the time got slower in the first time we talked about movie,
when the time gave us rest in the random night walking,
when the time borrowed its worth-second of looked through his eyes,
when the time sparkle charmed inside the reflector of planetarium,
when the time pinched my heart directly we holding hand,
when the time frozen the moment he kissed me that morning,
when the time embraced me through his vows,
For the first time,
We realize that time was provided us and measure the speed for us live in it.