
The Coolidge Effect


Everything is smart when you falling in love. 
Everything in your eyes. 
and different, 
and feels like brand new,
and beautiful,
and edgy, 
and sexy,
and lustrous, 
and interesting,

stimulating to your needs,

and romanticizing it as a savior,

and over, and over, 

Push and pull just like a moon to the waves,
and get, 
and win for awhile,
and cilmatic to the top. 

And then it is stop. 
Just stop. 

You don't know what to do next. 
You still pick roses over lilies. 
Their thrones make you bleeds, 
and it repeated again, 

As the fire to the earth to burn you inside out,
You lose the water that suppposed to nurture you wholly. 

Drench in liquor, lungs full of smokes, you try to break the mirror 

but it won't.

falls into the night tunnel,

Roses and Poppies are bilnding you to be a tally.

You know exactly;
You'll be empty again.